موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
2022年6月16日 This paper deals with the experimental investigation of the concrete strength blended with hypo sludge. Hypo sludge with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%
Read More2024年2月21日 Article PDF Available. Evaluation of Flexural Strength of Novel Hypo Sludge for Increasing the Strength of M30 Grade of Concrete by Partial Replacement for
Read More2023年7月13日 To reduce paper waste and pollution, it might be beneficial to use it as hypo sludge in concrete mixes. In the present investigation, hypo sludge was used as a
Read More2020年9月30日 Cement with Hypo sludge reduces the permeability of concrete and dense calcium silicate hydrate. The mix designed for M20 and M40 grade of concrete. The
Read MoreReplacing cement with 10%, 20 %, 30%, 40 %, 50%, 60% and 70% of Hypo Sludge. Replacing the maximum amount of cement in concrete with a hypo sludge To study fly
Read More2015年1月10日 This paper presents the test results of chemical and physical analysis investigating the utilization of hypo sludge, lime sludge and fly ash in cement concrete.
Read More2023年7月13日 Concrete from Hypo Sludge. Combined with Basalt Fibre and. Latex. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10986. https://doi/10.3390/ su151410986. Academic Editor:
Read MoreHypo Sludge is known to contain useful fibers and chemicals, as my project to get good results by adding of ferrous oxide to the hypo sludge to the fly ash improve the strength, durability, and life span of concrete structures
Read More2023年2月7日 The test results total of 12 prisms, 72 cubes, 12 cylinders for M20 grade hypo sludge concrete as well as for conventional concrete (Ordinary Portland Cement)
Read More2022年3月8日 In 15 percent hypo-sludge find the compressive strength of 3,7,28 days with w/c ratio of 0.75 with the slump of 30mm. To find the best result of compressive strength use trial 3 for each 3, 7 and 28 days for testing. Use more Use more water to cement ratio due to hypo-sludge which absorbs more water than cement to maintain the slump of 30mm.
Read MoreUtilization, reduction and disposal of the pulp and paper industry waste (Hypo Sludge) are crucial from an environmental perspective. Hypo sludge, when disposed of as landfill, contributes to the groundwater contamination caused by the leachates. Hence, the utilization of hypo sludge from the paper industry in the construction applications promotes the
Read More2020年9月30日 The compressive strength of M20 grade and M40 grade are 24.88 and 46.3 N/m2. The compressive strength of normal compared with hypo sludge concrete for M20 grade are 5.82%, 9.32% and 8.52% for M40 grade are 6.84%, 8.75% and 4.18%. The M20 grade is higher than M40 grade in compressive strength.
Read More2023年4月3日 The maximum strength of cement concrete at 28 days of curing, made with the addition of 10 % PSA as replacement of the cement, is 4.28 N/mm 2. For 15 % and 20 % addition of paper sludge ash as cement replacement, decrease in the strength of PSA concrete, with values of 4.02 N/mm 2 and 3.87 N/mm 2, respectively.
Read More2016年8月17日 So we can use Hypo sludge as a partial replacement of cement in pervious concrete. In this research study the (OPC) cement has been replaced by hypo sludge accordingly in the range of 10% and 20% ...
Read More2013年1月1日 The results showed the effect of fly ash and hypo sludge on concrete cubes, beams and cylinders has a considerable amount of increase in the compressive, water permeability, flexural, and split ...
Read More2022年3月8日 In this study, concrete of M25(1:1:2) grade were considered for a W/C ratio of 0.5 for the replacements of various percentage of cement by hyposludge. Micro silica is added as a mineral admixture in hypo sludge concrete in order to increase its strength (15% of hypo sludge). The investigation revealed improvement in compressive strength, split ...
Read More2024年2月10日 It is possible to employ hypo sludge as an alternative to cement as a cement substitute (Chenniappan et al. 2020).As an additional cementitious material, Pulp Mill Fly ash (PFA) might be a beneficial resource for the pulp and paper industry (Cherian and Siddiqua 2021).The optimal strength of hypo sludge concrete is achieved when 20%
Read More2017年3月16日 Hypo sludge has a very good content of Cao and thus it works as a partial replacement material in construction process. This study examines 5%, 10%, and 15% replacement of hypo sludge in place of cement in concrete for M20 and then tested for its compressive strength. The result shows that the strength of the concrete increases by
Read More2022年6月16日 Hypo sludge contributes towards the greener building concept and improving the economy. Therefore, to attain sustainable development, in conventional concrete cement is being partially replaced by the hypo sludge. The pollution due the disposal can be reduced by use of waste in concrete [12].
Read More2019年1月25日 IRJET- Durability Study on Hypo Sludge Concrete with Replacement of Fine Aggregate - Download as a PDF or view online for free
Read More2013年12月10日 The design mix proportion used were Conventional Concrete, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% replacement of cement by industrial waste like fly ash and hypo sludge.In the test performed,the optimum
Read More2015年4月11日 the following conclusions are drawn: (a) For grade of concrete M25 20% hybrid mix (fly ash and hypo sludge) replacement with. cement gives the design strength at 28 days. (D2) (b) For design mix ...
Read More2023年12月26日 The highest mean compressive strength was observed in Hypo sludge + Sisal Fiber Concrete (HSFC) at 40.18 N/mm², achieved with an optimal combination of 30% Hypo sludge and 2% novel sisal fiber.
Read More2023年12月20日 The cement has been replaced by waste paper sludge accordingly in the range of 0% (without Hypo sludge), 10%, 20%, 30% 40% by weight for M-25 and M-40 mix. Concrete mixtures were produced ...
Read More2016年4月9日 The cement has been replaced by hypo sludge accordingly in the range of 0% (without hypo sludge), 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of cement for the M-40 grade concrete mix.
Read More2016年8月1日 Request PDF Effect of Hypo Sludge as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete The hypo sludge is a waste material obtained from paper industry. Since, paper is not recyclable for long time ...
Read More2021年10月26日 Hypo sludge —Hypo sludge is the term for the preliminary waste generated from the paper industry. Hypo sludge is used as a substitute cementitious material for partial replacement in high-performance concrete. The strength of the concrete will increase, and the cost of the concrete will reduce as a result of the use of this waste.
Read More2016年1月28日 Strength found to be increased for initial replacement of cement with Hypo sludge Ash for instance up to 10% replacement. By using Hypo sludge Ash greener concrete can be produced. Utilization of waste and disposal cost are reduced. Low cost houses can be constructed using waste paper ash by reducing the cement content.
Read More2018年11月27日 In this research study the (OPC) cement has been replaced by hypo sludge accordingly in the range of 10% and 20% by weight of cement for 0.30, 0.35, and 0.40 water/cement ratio.
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.